<- Friday, May 12, 2023

Why No Deploy was created?

As many people know, there're already tons of "Free" hosting platform out there, what is the reason we created No Deploy?

No Deploy is a popular choice for deploying your React App, static web applications, web services and powers millions of large companies


Created by Money Shark in 2023, No Deploy is built for hosting something for free.

Money Shark found that developers who didn't deploy anything often feels happier than busy developers who have deployed several side projects.

The Problem

Most of the "Free" hosting platform has a lot of limits and their premium plan is usually expensive, developers have to worry about their monthly usage, credits, and a lot of DevOP things that slows them down from developing their favourite projects.

Therefore, No Deploy is born, as an alternative scalable hosting platform that offers the real "Free" tier with zero limits.

Fun Fact

This idea is originally inspired by Should I deploy today, after getting an answer of "No", Money Shark realized that deploying nothing to the world is the best solution, no annoying websites with a lot of advertisements, no cyber attacks, no monthly usage and credit limits.


Compared to other existing solutions, No Deploy offers a better developer experience and all the features is entirly free


Vercel is one of the best frontend platform that provides all-in-one support for Database, Serverless/Edge functions, Monitoring System, and more.

  • Serverless/Edge Functions
  • Native support for many frameworks, including Next.js, Svelte Kit and Nuxt.js
  • Useful Services and Integrations
  • Vercel Storge, KV and more
  • Analysis and Monitoring System

However, Vercel's free tier also comes with a lot of limits:

  • Expensive Brandwidth
  • Original service provider is cheaper (using AWS, Neon, Upstash directly)
  • No DDoS attacks protections, you have to pay a lot of money for brandwidth when facing DDoS attacks
  • Extra costing for Teams: Vercel requires all team members to pay for their Pro tier

No Deploy provides an even better developer experience, allows developers to delete their codebase and start imagining the app right in their mind.

Also we don't cost any money, everything is free with zero limits:

  • No need for writing code
  • Nobody can access your website, including you
  • No limits and costs


AWS is a flexible, scalable, powerful cloud provider, you can build and deploy your large application and website with AWS.

AWS provides many services for all kind of projects, including AI, Database, and File storage.

Their pricing is cheaper than many other platforms. In fact, most of the "Hosting platform" actually use AWS under the hood, they are just providing a better "Developer experience" than AWS.

However, AWS is not just a "hosting service", it is an entire eco-system with a lot of services such as S3 Storage and DynamoDB.

No Deploy can't beat with their whole eco-system for now, but we still offers a better experience for developers who is lazy, since AWS usually takes a few days to learn and setup.

The Future

Don’t waste your precious time trying to avoid spending a few dollars tools. Don’t be penny-wise and pound-foolish. - Todd H Gardner

No Deploy, as a new solution and platform, has a bright future. We are focusing on creating a better developer experience by deploying Nothing.

If you hoped, please support our work by giving our repository a star, we stand for Open Source, and the millions of developers over the world.

Written by


Money Shark

CEO & Founder